
Environment & Wildlife Causes Benefit the World!

Your donation will help charities with a mission to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth. Altruity is your one place to donate to environment charities, donate to wildlife charities, or combine both with the Altruity Gift Basket.

Environment & Wildlife Charity Spotlight

How Can You Help?



When you donate to environment charities, your gift will go towards missions that work to preserve and protect the environment and to promote environmental research, conservation, and appreciation.

Most environment charities fall into the following two mission categories:

  • Botanical Gardens, Parks, and Nature Centers
  • Environmental Protection and Conservation



When you donate to wildlife charities, your gift will go towards missions that protect, defend and provide needed services to domestic and wild animals. These organizations preserve wildlife habitats and protect endangered species, and seek ways to sustain and promote those habitats and species over time.

Most wildlife charities fall into the following three mission categories:

  • Animal Rights, Welfare, and Services
  • Wildlife Conservation
  • Zoos and Aquariums

Looking for some terrific Environment and Wildlife charities to support?

Please see our suggestion cards below. They are all available in Altruity!


Environmental Protection and Conservation


Environmental Protection and Conservation

Altruity offers many top-rated environmental protection & conservation charities that combat pollution, promote conservation, and sustainable management of natural resources. The following is a short list of charities you might consider:

  • American Rivers
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Environmental Defense Fund
  • Sierra Club Foundation

Save the Future

Botanical Gardens, Parks, and Nature Centers

Save the Future

Botanical Gardens, Parks, and Nature Centers

Altruity offers many top-rated charities that protect, promote, and enhance our parks, gardens, and natural places. The following is a short list of charities you might consider:

  • Arboretum Foundation
  • Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
  • Grand Teton National Park Foundation
  • Greater Yellowstone Coalition
  • National Park Foundation


Animal Rights, Welfare, and Services


Animal Rights, Welfare, and Services

Altruity offers many top-rated animal protection charities that provide welfare, advocacy, and medical services. The following is a short list of charities you might consider:

  • American ASPCA
  • The Humane Society of the US
  • Animal Welfare Institute
  • American Humane
  • American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation

Do Good

Wildlife Conservation

Do Good

Wildlife Conservation

Altruity offers many top-rated wildlife conservation charities that provide refuge and sanctuaries for fish, wildlife, and birds. The following is a short list of charities you might consider:

  • Wildlife Conservation Society
  • African Wildlife Foundation
  • Global Wildlife Conservation
  • Wildlife Conservation Network
  • World Wildlife Fund


Your Chance to Make an Impact

Your online donation to environment or wildlife charities will make a lasting impact for future generations!